

  • ikona kursorWROPAK

    20 Graniczna Street, 54-530 Wrocław, Poland

  • ikona chmurkaOFFICE

    phone 71 34 90 500 fax 71 34 90 520


On behalf of WROPAK company, we would like to inform you about the planned transformation of our current sole proprietorship: "WROPAK Halina Młyńska", into a limited liability company, which as of the new year will operate under the name: "WROPAK Sp. z o.o.". Ultimately, the actual transformation will take place when WROPAK Sp. z o.o. will enter into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register - we will inform you about this fact in a separate message.

The attachment contains the official information about the planned organizational and legal change.

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